chalkboard hire for weddings & events
Why not save money and waste by hiring bespoke signage & chalkboards for your wedding day or big event?
If you are looking to have a more environmentally friendly, sustainable and eco-friendly wedding then you might just have found it. dreamalittlehandmade offers bespoke hand-lettered chalkboards for hire.
wedding & event chalkboard hire faqs
low impact weddings & events
Whilst truly zero waste weddings & events might not be entirely possible for many, there are still many ways to keep waste at your event to a minimum whilst not having to compromise on the look and feel! Bespoke UK chalkboard hire offers the same bespoke dreamalittlehandmade service with tailored designs for your special day but gives you the option to keep costs down (environmental and financial) and to return the boards at the end for refinishing and reuse at another wedding or event.
If you are looking to create a sustainable and ethical wedding or big event then please get in touch to find out what options are available.